Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Merry Christmas!!!

So it's been awhile since I've posted any updates, but ever since my birthday it has been super busy around here. Mommy said Christmas was coming and there was lots to do.

So I got busy doing stuff.

I learned how to walk alot better! I do it almost all the time now.

I rode my horse for a little bit.

I pulled out all the pots and pans for Mommy!

I helped with the decorations!

What goes over her Mommy? How about Santa's cookies?

What!?!? If I'm not good Santa will bring me coal?
I'll be good, I promise!

Mommy took me to visit "the big guy" He was really nice and I had a big smile for him.

Before I knew it, it was Christmas Eve and time to go to Grammy and Papa's house.

Grammy had a special place for all the Christmas decorations just for me.

You mean I'm allowed to touch ALL of these?

There was lots of family there, here's me and Auntie Carrie!

After dinner we got to open presents, hmmm what's in this bag?

It was so much fun but I was very tired after all that, so Mommy and Daddy took me right home and put me in bed. We had to get up early in the morning so we could go visit Grandma and Grandpa.

We got there so early I was still in my jammies.

I changed into my Christmas dress, that's better!

Grandpa is telling me all about Santa's reindeer.

This tree is pretty, can I touch it?

Are all these presents for me?

Okay, I'll open this one next!

Whew! After all that excitement I was really ready for a nap!

I hope everyone had a very Merry Christmas!

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

I am ONE!

Today is my birthday! I am one. To celebrate Mommy and Daddy threw me a big party.

Mommy made me a special birthday cake and funny monkey cupcakes!

There was tons of friends and family there to celebrate with me.

Hey! take this hat off my head, I look silly!

The big kids got to color. I tried too, but I just ate the crayons.

We played pin the tail on the monkey. This monkey is looking more like an octopus!

There were a whole lot of presents for me to open! It's almost as big as me!

What's inside? What's inside?

Look! A rocking horse, just my size!

Oh an airplane! It lights up and make music! FUN!!!

Last but not least there was birthday cake. Mmmmmm...it's so good!

I had a great time smashing it all up and flinging it around.
Happy Birthday to me!!!!

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

In just one week!

It's hard to believe that in just one short week I will be ONE! I have been a busy girl lately doing all sort of things.
Here are some of the things that make me cute!

I love to play with the kitty, he is the best pillow!

I think this is the best way to eat mac n' cheese!

My first spaghetti, it was yummy!!! and I love making a mess!

I learned to stand up all by myself!

I can even do a little wiggle.

I'm also learning to climb, doesn't my butt look cute in polka dots?

But best of all I am starting to takes some steps! It won't be long before I'm walking all over the place.