Tuesday, April 28, 2009

My first ferry ride.

This weekend we went to visit some friends who live on Bainbridge Island. We had to take a ferry ride to get there. It was fun to look at the water, but it was pretty windy out there. Maybe next time it will be warmer.

We had a really good time visiting with everyone, here I am playing with Lauren. She thinks I'm special, maybe because I was born on her birthday.

Hi birthday buddy!

Sunday, April 26, 2009

Apples?! Do I like apples?

This week I tried some applesauce. I'm not so sure about this stuff. It doesn't taste like the other stuff mom feeds me, it's kind of tart!

I made some pretty silly faces, but it was pretty good, and mom says it's good for me, so I will eat it again.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Jumping is FUN!!!

I got another new toy this week, it looks like a lot of fun.
I'm going to learn to jump really good in this thing.

After I played in my Jenny Jumper I took a bath and got ready for bed. Check out my robe, it has ears??

When I woke up the next morning, I had wiggled around so much that I was sleeping in my bed backwards with my blanket on my head.

As you can see I didn't mind at all.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009


Mommy told me I was old enough to try some rice cereal. I don't know what that is, but I'll try it. It looks pretty weird and it doesn't smell like milk.

It sure does get all over the place, what a mess!

I'm not sure about this spoon thing, but I think I like it.

Mmmmmmm....that was yummy!

Easter fun!

So I celebrated my first Easter and it was pretty fun. I had a cute little Easter dress and bonnet.

We went to Grandma and Grandpa's house, where I got to visit everyone all day!!

We had an egg hunt in the yard. It was raining but I didn't care. I got some pretty eggs!!

I got to sit at the table while everyone had dinner, it looks delicious!!! Gimme some!

All the excitement made me very tired, so I took a little snooze on the floor.

When we got home mommy showed me all the things that the Easter bunny brought for me.
Wow this bunny is almost as big as me, I think I'll share it with mommy and daddy.

I hope everyone had a wonderful Easter! I know my first one was a very good one.

Friday, April 10, 2009

4 month doctor visit

I went to the doctor today for my 4 month check up. I now weigh 15 pounds 6 ounces and I'm 25 1/4 inches tall. Go me! I also got my shots, OUCH! I don't like shots! I only cried for a minute, but mommy was right there to kiss it better.

Anyway, it made me real tired so this it what I did most of the day. Aren't I cute when I sleep?

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Look at what I can do now!!!

Yesterday I rolled over from my back to my front, but I did before mommy could get the camera. So I decided I would do it again today, this time I wasn't camera shy.

Check it out...

I'm so proud of me!

4 months old!

I am four months old today!!

To celebrate, I thought I would share my history of 4's.
I'm 4 minutes old...

I'm 4 hours old...

I'm 4 days old...

I'm 4 weeks old...

I'm 4 months old...
My how time flies!!!

Monday, April 6, 2009

busy busy baby

This weekend was pretty busy for me, I had lots of visitors. First Grammy came over to love on me for awhile. She has lots of hugs and kisses for me.

Mommy's friend Lacey also came for a visit, she took us to the mall. I like shopping. We looked at all kinds of things and people too.

I also got to try out a new toy this weekend, It's HUGE!!!
Hey, this thing makes music, whoa what's that?

There's so many things for me to explore, this is alot of fun!

I love it, Thanks Mom!

Friday, April 3, 2009

Here we go!

Now that I am almost 4 months old, mommy said I could have a blog. I will keep you updated on all of my activity and achievements. I have come a long way in the last few months, so I will give you some highlights.

First I was born...that was scary.

Then I went home, where I learned to do so many things. Sleep was the one I liked the best.

I also got the crying thing down pretty good.

Eating is by far my favorite, when I was three weeks old daddy gave me my first bottle, YUM!

I've also celebrated a few first holidays.


Valentines Day
we all went to a hockey game (a good place to nap)

St. Patrick's Day
(I love kisses!)

I have learned so many new things lately my brain is spinning. Here are a few I'm pretty proud of. I can lift my head up really good now.
I can also chew on stuff, lots of stuff.

and I can hold onto my toys pretty good too.
But my favorite skill is smiling!
Well that's it for now, mommy says it's nap time. Check back often to catch up with Emma's World.