Friday, November 27, 2009

Happy Thanksgiving!

For my first Thanksgiving we all went to Grammy and Papa's house for a big turkey dinner. It was a really fun time and there was ALOT of food.

I think I need a smaller piece please.

I enjoyed some great dinner conversation with Papa, he makes me laugh!

Mashed potatoes rule!!!!

Grammy has an Elmo at her house that does the hokey pokey!
It's really really really funny, watch me do my hokey pokey.

Sunday, November 1, 2009

My First Halloween!

Oh boy! My first Halloween, Mommy helped me carved my very own jack o'lantern.

First you take out the squishy slimy pumpkin guts!

Then you play with them a little bit!

Hee hee, that's really fun!!!

Then Mommy carved the face. All done!!! Does it look like me?

Mommy carved a special pumpkin for my first Halloween!

I dressed up as a ladybug, aren't I cute?

Mommy put the candles in the pumpkins and set them out for the trick or treaters.

While I waited for my friends to show up I palyed with my toys.

My friends Jonathan and Andrea came over to go trick or treating with me.

Auntie Cella, what's on your head???

It was a little rainy but we went out anyway.

We went to a couple houses and got some candy.

After that I was pretty tired, so I read a book and then went to bed.
What a fun holiday, maybe next year Mommy won't eat all my candy!